Wednesday 28 January 2015


Cholera is a bacterial infection disease causes by the Vibrio cholerae in the small intestine and causes severe diarrhea. In Malaysia, there were 133 cases of cholera in 2007 with 0:54 incidence rate / 100,000 population.

What are the signs and symptoms?
a)Diarrhea sudden a lot of liquid . This is similar to stink and 'air basuhan beras'.
b)Dehydration (water shortage situation)
i)Pulse / heart beat rate
ii)dry skin
iii)excessive thirst
iv)sunken eyes
v)No tears
d)Sleepiness / ground
e)Less urine
f)Hollow section 'ubun-ubun' for babies
g)abdominal cramps
i)throw up

The signs or symptoms appear within a few hours to five days after exposure.

How does the disease spread?
a)Through food and drink contaminated with germs year.
b)Lack of personal hygiene.
c)Low on water treatment for drinking and wastewater or sewerage.

a)Loss of fluids from the body causing dehydration and shock (renjatan).
b)Mortality or death can occur within a short time if not treated.

a)Replace body fluids and salts lost.
i)Give therapy Liquid Oral Rehydration (ORS)
ii)Giving liquid through intravenous infusion
iii)Giving antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Doxycline and Ciprofloxacin.

How cholera can be prevented?
Always observe the cleanliness yourself:
a)Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the toilet and before preparing food.
i)Maintain hygiene (sanitation) and exhaust systems stool (feces) suitable especially after floods natural disasters
b)Avoid risky foods during a pandemic:
i)Raw vegetables / salads and fruits, food stalls and ice during an outbreak
ii)Food and beverages from street vendors (cendol and fruit crop)
iii)Ice unless the ice is made from boiled water or water that has been bottled
iv)The food is not cooked or raw fish or shellfish species
v)Only eat food that has been thoroughly cooked or still hot
vi)Use clean water only
vii)Only drink water that has been boiled or water that has been bottled only

What action if I suspected with the disease?
See your doctor immediately for next treatment.

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